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Five Principles of Project Management

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There are five fundamental principles of project management that every manager must follow. These are Transparency and Measurement, Trust and Formalized Structure. You can create a project which meets your goals, and your team's performance will improve by using these principles. These principles will ensure that your project is a success. But what does each one actually mean? Let's look closer. Let's begin by asking you what is a minimum standard of engagement. It's a guideline for the workforce involved in your project. It gives employees a sense that they are responsible by having a pre-defined hierarchy.


Transparency is a key principle in project management. It encourages collaboration. Everyone can share and access information which makes collaboration and performance easier. Transparency increases teamwork as members trust each other. Information shared openly will encourage team members to offer their assistance and valuable insights. This can result in increased productivity and a more successful project.

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Project management is only possible if there are high levels of trust between members of the team. People who have trust in one another will be more productive and will be more inclined to delegate. They will also be more likely share ideas and information. Trust can also help to foster a team environment and make it easier for people to work faster. Trusting colleagues has additional benefits. This will allow for faster communication, easier delegation, quicker decision-making, and better communication.


There are 3 main measurement principles in project management. The first is to measure project outputs against target outcomes and baseline data. Second, we measure performance against the project's objectives. The effectiveness of our methods is then measured. Finally, we evaluate the overall success of a project by its outcomes. Your projects will be more successful if you adhere to these principles. Successful projects will ultimately benefit both your company and your clients.

Formalized structure

Using a formalized structure in project management can help your company improve its productivity and reduce the time it takes to bring new products to market. You can also lower engineering and manufacturing costs. The formal structure will help your organization be more effective in project management and enhance your managerial skills. This article will discuss why you should have a formal structure for your project. It will help you get more out of your projects.

Organisational alignment

This paper examines the literature on alignment and performance and identifies the different types. It also proposes research questions that will help advance the theory and practice of managing alignment. Both horizontal and vertical alignment have been discussed in literature. However, the emphasis on vertical alignment has been greater than that on horizontal alignment. This shows that there is more research needed. A strong leadership team committed to the project's goals is a key factor in alignment.

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Clear communication is crucial for project management. Project failures often stem from miscommunication. Communication must be based on clear goals and a clear understanding of the intended outcome. Communication should consider the differences between intended recipients and their experiences. Communication is an important principle for project management, no matter what your role. Here are some tips to help improve communication.


What is Six Sigma?

This is a method of quality improvement that emphasizes customer service, continuous learning, and customer service. This is an approach to quality improvement that uses statistical techniques to eliminate defects.

Motorola created Six Sigma as part of their efforts to improve manufacturing processes in 1986.

The idea spread quickly in the industry. Today many organizations use six-sigma techniques to improve product design.

What is a basic management tool used in decision-making?

A decision matrix, a simple yet powerful tool for managers to make decisions, is the best. It helps them to think strategically about all options.

A decision matrix can be used to show alternative options as rows or columns. This makes it easy for you to see how each option affects other options.

We have four options in this example. They are represented by the boxes to the left of the matrix. Each box represents an alternative. The top row shows the status quo (the current situation), and the bottom row shows what would happen if nothing was done at all.

The effect of choosing Option 1 can be seen in column middle. It would increase sales by $2 million to 3 million in this instance.

The effects of options 2 and 3 are shown in the next columns. These positive changes can increase sales by $1 million or $500,000. However, these also involve negative consequences. Option 2 can increase costs by $100 million, while Option 3 can reduce profits by $200,000.

The final column shows the results for Option 4. This involves decreasing sales by $1 million.

A decision matrix has the advantage that you don’t have to remember where numbers belong. You can just glance at the cells and see immediately if one given choice is better.

This is because your matrix has already done the hard work. It's simply a matter of comparing the numbers in the relevant cells.

Here's an example showing how you might use a Decision Matrix in your business.

Decide whether you want to invest more in advertising. You'll be able increase your monthly revenue by $5000 if you do. You'll also have additional expenses up to $10,000.

You can calculate the net result of investing in advertising by looking at the cell directly below the one that says "Advertising." That number is $15 thousand. Advertising is worth much more than the investment cost.

What do we mean when we say "project management"?

This refers to managing all activities that are involved in a project's execution.

This includes defining the scope, identifying the requirements and preparing the budget. We also organize the project team, schedule the work, monitor progress, evaluate results, and close the project.


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How To

What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean Manufacturing methods are used to reduce waste through structured processes. They were developed in Japan by Toyota Motor Corporation (in the 1980s). The aim was to produce better quality products at lower costs. Lean manufacturing is about eliminating redundant steps and activities from the manufacturing process. It has five components: continuous improvement and pull systems; just-in time; continuous change; and kaizen (continuous innovation). It is a system that produces only the product the customer requests without additional work. Continuous improvement is constantly improving upon existing processes. Just-in-time refers to when components and materials are delivered directly to the point where they are needed. Kaizen is continuous improvement. This can be achieved by making small, incremental changes every day. Finally, 5S stands for sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. These five elements can be combined to achieve the best possible results.

Lean Production System

The lean production system is based on six key concepts:

  • Flow - The focus is on moving information and material as close as possible to customers.
  • Value stream mapping- This allows you to break down each step of a process and create a flowchart detailing the entire process.
  • Five S's – Sort, Put In Order Shine, Standardize and Sustain
  • Kanban - visual cues such as stickers or colored tape can be used to track inventory.
  • Theory of constraints: identify bottlenecks in your process and eliminate them using lean tools, such as kanban board.
  • Just-in time - Get components and materials delivered right at the point of usage;
  • Continuous improvement - make incremental improvements to the process rather than overhauling it all at once.


Five Principles of Project Management